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September 19, 2024 8:03PM
September 19, 2024 20:03PM

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Liquid News

New Headworks Goes Online

For the first time, raw wastewater was diverted into the newly constructed North Influent Interceptor, the new headworks and the new primary sedimentation tanks at the Michelson Water Recycling Plant.


Construction to expand the plant from treating 18 million gallons of wastewater per day to 28 million gallons of wastewater per day began nearly four years ago.


The connection took place on May 15. But for this to be successful, several things happened at once. During construction of the tie-in, all sewer flow was routed from a line along Michelson Drive at Harvard Avenue in order to inspect the lines. Collection Systems staff performed closed circuit TV inspections and cleaning of the influent sewer between MWRP and the 405 Freeway, including the sewer siphon under the San Diego Creek at Michelson. The shutdown took place over a 24-hour period.


Meanwhile, a 54-inch sewer plug was inserted in the existing pipe near the entrance to MWRP and a custom fiberglass insert was installed into the north influent interceptor structure.


Flow from the north now flows to the new headworks, which is the first stop for the treatment of raw wastewater.  Construction will continue on the South Influent Interceptor and eventually, the old headworks will be demolished.


The project is anticipated to be completed later this year. More information on the Michelson plant expansion is located on our website.