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March 28, 2025 2:30PM
March 28, 2025 14:30PM

customer care

Abbott Waterstar 2022 DSC 1484 1920x517
Abbott Logo Color


Abbott, a manufacturer of cardiac catheters, was officially honored as a Certified Water-Efficient Business—a WaterStar—on May 3, 2022.

To become a WaterStar, Abbott implemented several water efficiency initiatives at their Irvine facility, including the installation of low-water-consumption toilets, sensor flush valves, sensor faucets and waterless urinals. The company also installed water-efficient landscaping which features drought-resistant and California native plants. Irrigation scheduling for their landscaping follows weather-based recommendations provided by IRWD. Abbot also established a daily monitoring and documentiation of their facility’s water use. This provides timely information about excessive water consumption that may be attributed to irrigation leaks, equipment failure, etc.

To date, these water-saving efforts by Abbott have paid off, saving 1.67 million gallons of water per year.

Looking ahead, Abbott has a 2030 sustainability plan which strives to implement accredited water stewardship management practices in more than 75% of its manufacturing sites operating in water-stress areas.

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