
customer care

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March 25, 2025 3:09PM
March 25, 2025 15:09PM

customer care

Request A Water Variance



 house with people

Three factors are used to determine your default water budget: your property classification, the base number of residents per household, and the default area of outdoor landscaping.

Read these PDFs to determine if you are budgeted correctly or need a variance.

  pdf icon largeIndoor variance PDF    pdf icon largeOutdoor variance PDF 


How to apply

  • • Please apply below or fill out this application form and email or mail it to IRWD. Include the required documentation.

Apartment managers can request a variance for multiple accounts under one property name using this multi-family property variance request form.  

Incomplete applications will be returned.

Temporary COVID-19 variances expired March 31, 2022. 


Variance Request For Increased Water Budget

Contact Information:

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Please provide a valid Phone.

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Reasons For Variance Request

All variances require attaching supporting documents. Attached files must be 7 megabytes or less. Files may be attached in compressed archives.

Please check all that apply.

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You will need to attach proof of permanent residency for EACH PERSON in the household. Proof may be children's birth certificates, school records, blank checks with preprinted name and address. income tax returns, drivers license, lease agreements, etc. Proof must be preprinted with current service address. Increased water budgets for additional occupants must be renewed annually. A renewal form will be mailed to you for this purpose.

If you have more than eight people in your household, after using the upload feature below, please email any remaining verifications along with your account numer to

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(soft landscape only)

Submit landscape drawings or a sketch showing total square feet of the landscape. Include the surface area of your pool and spa. Do not include the hardscape area {i.e driveways, patios} as part of the total landscape. Record the dimensions of the total area in square feet.

Is part of the landscape owned by the association but your responsibility to water for fire control?

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Provide a doctor's note stating condition requires additional water usage.

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(in a residential dwelling unit) Submit a copy of business license.

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Provide a list of the type and quantity of each type of livestock that requires additional water. Please be advised that a site visit may be required to verify.
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There may be other instances where an increased water budget is appropriate. Please contact Customer Service at 949-453-5300 to discuss your needs.

Review your information is correct and complete before clicking 'Send Request'. Make sure you have attached all required supporting files.

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