
customer care

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March 25, 2025 3:01PM
March 25, 2025 15:01PM

customer care

IRWD Customer Care FAQ

Irvine Ranch Water District’s tradition of high-quality customer service is marked by a continuing commitment to provide the best water service at the lowest possible cost to our customers. When you need help, we respond quickly and appropriately because we believe that outstanding service is the key to customer satisfaction.

To help serve you as quickly and easily as possible, here are answers to frequently asked questions.


Where is IRWD located?

IRWD Headquarters is at 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., Irvine.
IRWD Operations Center and Michelson Water Recycling Plant are at 3512 Michelson, Irvine.

How do I contact IRWD?

By phone:

  • The main Customer Service phone number is 949-453-5300. 

By email:

For media inquiries, see our Media Contacts page.

For after-hours water emergencies: 949-453-5300.

What are IRWD’s business hours?

IRWD Headquarters, which includes Customer Service, the Development Services counter, and administrative offices, is open 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and alternate Fridays. Full-service agents are available by phone 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday, except holidays.
IRWD Operations Center is open 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday.

Is IRWD owned by the City of Irvine or the Irvine Company?

No. Established in 1961 as a California Water District under the provisions of the California Water Code (see Authorizing Statue/Enabling Act), Irvine Ranch Water District is an independent special district serving central Orange County. As an independent, not-for-profit public agency, IRWD is governed by a publicly elected five-member Board of Directors.

How is IRWD’s Board of Directors elected?

Board members are elected from five divisions and serve four-year terms. The Board is responsible for the District's policies and decision-making. Day-to-day operations are supervised by the General Manager.

What does IRWD stand for?

Irvine Ranch Water District.


How do I start or stop service?

Use our online form at or call Customer Care at 949-453-5300.

What services does IRWD provide to its customers?

IRWD provides high-quality drinking water, reliable sewage collection and treatment, ground-breaking recycled water programs, and environmentally sound urban runoff treatment.

In what areas does IRWD provide water?

IRWD serves 180+ square miles of Orange County, which includes all of Irvine; almost all of Lake Forest; the southern half of Newport Beach, including all of Newport Coast; half of Tustin; small portions of Costa Mesa and Orange; and much of the county’s unincorporated canyon areas.

Is IRWD’s water safe?

Yes. IRWD water meets all the exacting standards set by the state and federal governments. Learn more in the 2023 Water Quality Report. If you have questions or concerns regarding water quality issues — such as taste, odor or appearance — please review the Water Quality section at

Does IRWD recycle water?

Yes. IRWD meets about a quarter of the service area’s water demands with recycled water used for non-drinking purposes. Recycled water is delivered in a separate system using purple pipes and is used for things like landscaping, cooling towers and more. Read more about recycled water and watch an IRWD-produced video at

Does IRWD provide trash service? 

While some agencies provide combined trash and water service, IRWD does not. Please contact your local municipalities or leasing/HOA office.


How much does IRWD charge for water?

IRWD uses a budget-based rate structure to calculate your monthly bill. This fair rate structure provides you with the water you need and puts you in the driver’s seat to lower your bill. IRWD customers enjoy some of the lowest rates in Orange County.

Use the rate calculator to estimate your bill, or get more information about rates and charges at

How do I pay my bill?

You can set up online bill pay at Other options are available as well. See

How do I read my bill?

We’ve broken it down for you. View Understanding Your Bill to see an example of an IRWD bill with explanations.

Why is my bill so high?

There could be several reasons why your water bill seems high. Review What to Do If Your Water Bill is High in the Save Water & Money section. Another option is to request a home audit from IRWD’s Water Efficiency team. 

I can’t afford to pay my bill. What are my options?

You can request a payment arrangement at For information on the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, go to

A leak made my bill go up. Is there anything I can do?

We offer leak adjustments. After a customer detects a leak and makes repairs, if water usage goes back within budget, we will re-bill the usage originally in the inefficient and wasteful tiers at the base rate. You are still responsible for paying for the water, but the over-budget usage is re-billed for you at the lower rate.

My water budget is too high (or too low). How do I change it?

Request a water variance at

What is your policy on discontinuing service?

View IRWD’s Policy on Discontinuing Residential Water Service (SB998 Policy)
Or click on the language links: Chinese  English  Farsi  Korean  Spanish  Tagalog  Vietnamese

If your service has been disconnected for nonpayment, you may be eligible for a reduction in reconnection fee.


What can I do to save water?

Start by fixing leaks, by making sure you aren’t over-watering outdoors, and by replacing your grass with California-friendly landscape. For details and even more water-saving ideas, go to

Do you offer rebates if I make water-saving changes?

Yes. IRWD offers several including rebates for turf replacement, rotating spray nozzles, irrigation controllers and other outdoor programs, as well as for high-efficiency clothes washers and toilets. Check for details.


How do I rent the Duck Club or the Community Meeting Room?

Go to and review the calendar for availability, then read the guidelines and FAQ before submitting an application.

I want to visit the San Joaquin Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary. What should I know?

Admission to the Marsh is free. It’s open from dawn to dusk every day. The only way to get into the Marsh is off Campus Drive. View the map for directions (do not rely on Google or GPS; there is no access to the Marsh from Michelson). Because the Marsh is a wildlife sanctuary and place for quiet reflection, vehicles, bicycles, drones, dogs, horses, and other animals are not permitted. View additional rules of the Marsh.

Who runs the San Joaquin Marsh?

IRWD owns and operates the San Joaquin Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, which encompasses more than 300 acres of coastal freshwater wetlands. The wetlands are a critical component of IRWD's Natural Treatment System.

I would like someone from IRWD to speak at my next event. Who should I talk to?

Experts are available to share their knowledge and create public awareness about key issues related to water. IRWD offers speakers to organizations within the IRWD service area. Visit for details.

How do I get a tour of IRWD facilities?

IRWD holds community tours four to five times per year. Check for upcoming scheduled tours, which are free and open to IRWD customers. If your organization is within the IRWD service area and would like to request a tour for 15 or more, email

Where can I get information about current construction projects in my neighborhood?

IRWD takes construction and improvement projects very seriously. Find a list of current and future projects at, along with a map for your convenience. If you have any questions about a project, email or call 949-453-5500.


I am or would like to be an IRWD supplier. Where is the best place to get information?

Information for new and existing suppliers can be found at New suppliers are also encouraged to review the IRWD Online Procurement & Bidding System.

My business would be a good partner for IRWD. Who do I talk to?

Join IRWD Connect, a collaborative group for vendors. IRWD Connect regularly hosts events and provides updates on IRWD projects, opportunities and more.

My business is very water efficient. Do I qualify for recognition?

You might! The WaterStar Business Recognition Program highlights businesses that reduce their water consumption. Visit to see if you qualify and learn how to reduce your water consumption.

Do you offer any rebates for businesses?

Yes. IRWD offers rebates for landscaping as well as certain plumbing, food and HVAC equipment. Visit for details.

I have more questions. Who can I talk to?


By email:

By phone:

  • Call 949-453-5300 for any questions or concerns regarding your IRWD account.
  • Call 949-453-5500 for all other topics.