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March 28, 2025 2:15PM
March 28, 2025 14:15PM

customer care

IRWD 0095 WS LP Imagery  Between Therinks 2
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Between the Rinks

Good food and fun are at the heart of Between the Rinks, located at Great Park Ice. The restaurant is also ecofriendly, with its use of a water-efficient dishwasher and its placement of water fountains that offer guests the opportunity to use refillable water bottles. “Everyone needs water to live. Let’s conserve, be smart, and implement a small change,” said Art Trottier, Vice President of Ice Management LLC.

The restaurant has a full menu, including street tacos, flatbread pizzas and desserts, and features a bar with eclectic beer and wine selections. Customers enjoy watching livestreamed games in the venue. Great Park Ice is located at 888 Ridge Valley in Irvine.

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