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August 31, 2024 8:18PM
August 31, 2024 20:18PM

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Liquid News

Aug 20,2024 | 15:59 PM

Help us build a safer community!

Take this regional survey to help identify potential disaster concerns. Irvine Ranch Water District is working with the Municipal Water District of Orange County and participating agencies on updates to a Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan to help assess our community’s vulnerabilities to disaster, and ...

Project Highlights

Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project

Watch the Project Video Viewing options: With subtitles (English)  |  è¦–é »  |  ë¹„디오  |  Ver el video   An Investment in Our Community's Future The Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project is an investment to increase the capacity of the existing Syphon Reservoir, which is part of Irvine Ranch Water District’s ...