
customer care

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March 10, 2025 4:42AM
March 10, 2025 4:42AM

customer care

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Be On Alert for Fake IRWD Employees

If someone knocks on your door claiming to be an IRWD employee or a contractor working with the District, don’t be afraid to ask for their identification.

Contact IRWD at (949) 453-5300 if you are ever in doubt about any person who shows up to your home claiming to work for the District. If you are unsure that the person at your home is a legitimate IRWD employee, you may ask the person to leave and IRWD staff can assist you with a rescheduled visit.

IRWD Uniforms, ID Badges and Vehicles

Most IRWD field crew members wear an IRWD uniform with the IRWD logo above the left-hand shirt pocket and the employee’s name on the right side. IRWD Water Efficiency team members usually wear blue or white polo shirts with an IRWD logo embroidered on the left side.

In addition to uniforms, all IRWD employees carry photo identification badges and are required to show them on request. The badges should display the employee’s name, title, photo, IRWD logo and a hologram. IRWD staff can also provide business cards.

Many, but not all IRWD employees drive an IRWD vehicle when reporting to a customer’s home for a service call or appointment. All IRWD vehicles have the IRWD logo prominently displayed in one or more locations.

IRWD Will Never Attempt to Sell You Anything

IRWD staff and contractors will not show up at a customer’s residence without some kind of an appointment. Exceptions include emergencies, service shut-on or shut-off and water meter repair.

IRWD employees and its contractors will never show up unannounced at your front door attempting to sell you any type of product or service. If a person does this and states they are working for or with the District, they are being dishonest and should be immediately reported to IRWD and local law enforcement officials.

IRWD Contractors

IRWD works with several contractors that provide various services to the District’s customers. No contractor should be on your property without an agreed-upon appointment. These individuals will not be driving District vehicles, but should be able to produce identification and a letter confirming they are authorized to be there.

IRWD also employs Alexander Contract Services for meter reading services. These contracted employees wear vests identifying themselves as meter readers. They will never engage customers without being approached first.

For more information, please visit or call 949-453-5300.