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March 10, 2025 6:20PM
March 10, 2025 18:20PM

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726x425 2018 Bottled Vs Tap

Bottled vs. Tap? Get the Facts

Bottled water last year surpassed soda as America’s most popular beverage. It’s a $16-billion-a-year industry, marketing a product that—when purchased one bottle at a time—costs about $6 per gallon, compared to two-tenths of a cent for a gallon of Irvine Ranch Water District tap.

Since both bottled and tap water meet regulatory standards, the choice is a matter of lifestyle, not health.

Here are some facts to consider:

  • Tap water is economical and accessible, particularly with a travel bottle.
  • 25% of all bottled water is packaged tap water.
  • Plastic bottles produce waste: 85 million bottles are manufactured in the U.S. each day.
  • Plastic bottles are made from petroleum—1.5 billion barrels every year— and the production and shipping of them burns fossil fuels.

Make the most of your tap water:

  • Drink it from a reusable glass or stainless steel travel bottle to reduce waste.
  • Keep it in a pitcher in the fridge to chill it and let it breathe.
  • Infuse it with slices of cucumber, lemon or berries for a healthy punch.
  • If you use a filter, be sure to change it regularly. Carbon-based fi lters are breeding grounds for bacteria.

How clean is our water? Irvine Ranch Water District meets all quality standards set by the state and federal government. Visit to read our annual Water Quality Report, released this month.