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March 09, 2025 8:33AM
March 09, 2025 8:33AM

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Get Cash Back on Holiday Gifts

washer.dryerThe Black Friday sales have come and gone, but many of us continue to ponder holiday gift giving. If you plan to give or receive a new clothes washer as a gift this holiday season – get a little cash back as well.

High efficiency clothes washers use 55 percent less water than standard washers, saving about 75,000 gallons of water over its lifetime. Using less water also means lower energy used on water heating. Save water, save energy and enjoy the money savings on your utility bills year-round with this IRWD rebate.

Irvine Ranch Water District offers rebates to customers who replace their old clothes washers with the newer water-saving models – up to $285! Before purchasing the washer, check out the list of pre-approved models at

IRWD also offers rebates on weather-based irrigations controllers, rotating spray nozzles, high efficiency toilets, rain barrels and soil moisture sensors.