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March 09, 2025 7:47AM
March 09, 2025 7:47AM

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Irvine Ranch Water District Professionals Discuss Science and Engineering Careers

Middle School ConferenceDonning her white laboratory coat and prescription safety glasses, IRWD laboratory supervisor Mindy Bergen explained to a roomful of seventh graders what it takes to pursue a career in science.

“Stay curious, always ask questions and question the answers,” Bergen said, adding that she received her chemistry degree from UC Irvine, the site of the annual Middle School Science and Career Options Conference on December 17.

She used a student volunteer to demonstrate from a kit how much chlorine was present in a water sample she brought with her. She explained that IRWD’s state-of-the-art Water Quality Lab uses high-tech instrumentation to test samples of both drinking and recycled water.

Bergen was joined by IRWD engineer Barkev Meserlian, who gave a presentation on the nuts and bolts of civil engineering and the level of education it takes for his field.

The Irvine Unified School District has held the annual conference for 22 years, with the goal of increasing student interest and awareness of science-related careers. IRWD has sent representatives to the conference since its inception. In addition to IRWD, professionals from the careers of physics, medicine, medical research, food science, veterinary medicine, wildlife protection, ecology, dentistry, nursing and mechanical engineering participate.

More information about IRWD educational programs is available on our website.