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March 09, 2025 3:32PM
March 09, 2025 15:32PM

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IRWD Receives 2008 Flex Your Power Award

IRWD was recognized this week as a 2008 Flex Your Power Award recipient in the electricity Peak Demand Response category. Flex Your Power is California’s energy efficiency campaign. The campaign honors recipients in this category for their efforts to reduce peak power use and protect California’s power grid during times of high demand by shifting loads, shutting down systems and taking immediate conservation action.

Recognizing the high energy requirements of pumping water, IRWD has taken steps to become more energy efficient through implementation and installation of solar power and motor upgrade projects. Cumulative energy efficiency projects over the last year provided IRWD with more than $529,000 in energy efficiency incentives, 4.05 million kilowatts in avoided cost savings, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to removing more than 8,000 cars from the road.

“IRWD’s efficiency projects not only help conserve California’s valuable natural resources, but ultimately reduce the cost of water and sewer service for our customers.” said IRWD General Manager, Paul Jones, “We are proud to be honored by Flex Your Power.”

IRWD has installed nearly 700 solar panels on the roof of its headquarters building on Sand Canyon Avenue in Irvine. The 100 kilowatt system provides up to 20 percent of the total energy needs for the building. In addition, IRWD installed four solar mixers at its Los Alisos Water Reclamation Plant to help reduce peak demand. Using  the Consumer Powerline and the Southern California Edison Base Interruptible Programs, IRWD is able to provide the California Independent Systems Operator with up to 4,087 kW of demand reduction during when needed and a maximum peak demand savings of 26 percent at these facilities.  

In addition to the California Public Utilities Commission, Flex Your Power Award winners were selected by representatives including: The Silicon Valley Leadership Group; the CA Energy Commission; Sacramento Municipal Utility District; CA Independent System Operator; the Building Owners and Management Assoc.; League of CA Cities; and Southern California Edison.

Flex Your Power is California's statewide energy efficiency marketing and outreach campaign. Initiated in 2001, Flex Your Power is a partnership of California's utilities, residents, businesses, institutions, government agencies and nonprofit organizations working to save energy. The campaign includes a comprehensive website, an electronic newsletter and blog, and educational materials. Flex Your Power has received national and international recognition, including an ENERGY STAR Award for excellence.