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March 09, 2025 3:24PM
March 09, 2025 15:24PM

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Irvine Ranch Water District Remembers Huell Howser

Filmed at IRWD

One of public television’s most iconic figures, Huell Howser, died Sunday night at the age of 67. Huell worked a variety of public television series such as, “Visiting,” “Road Trip,” “Downtown,” and most recently, “California Gold.”

Howser produced and hosted the Association California Water Association’s popular "California's Water" series, a first-of-its kind public television series launched in 2006. A total of 26 segments of "California's Water" have aired on public television outlets throughout California, covering a variety of topics ranging from climate change to water recycling to the value of tap water.

In 2006, Huell visited IRWD for a segment on what water agencies are doing to encourage wise water use at homes, parks and businesses. Huell visited Irvine’s Windrow Park, one of five synthetic turf demonstrations ponsored by IRWD at the time throughout the service area. Synthetic turf requires no water and minimal maintenance, while helping to reduce urban runoff. Watch the episode here.

In 2007, Huell Howser visited the Irvine Ranch Water District San Joaquin Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary as part of “California's Water” to highlight how wetlands serve as nature’s own water filtration systems.  The segment offered a first-hand look at the valuable function wetlands perform in removing pollutants from runoff while at the same time providing habitat and recreation opportunities.  Watch the segment here.

The Los Angeles Times wrote: “But though his shows were focused on points and people of interest, it was Howser who turned into the main attraction, tackling his subjects with an awestruck curiosity and relentless enthusiasm.”

The water world has lost a good friend.