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March 10, 2025 12:57AM
March 10, 2025 0:57AM

customer care

IRWD Conservation Manager Fiona Sanchez Wins Statewide Award of Excellence

Described as being one of “the most respected and hardest working people in the California water conservation field,” IRWD Conservation Manager, Fiona Sanchez has received the 2010 Excellence Award from the California Urban Water Conservation Council.

Sanchez has spent more than 15 years in the water use efficiency field at the local, regional, state and national levels. Since beginning her duties at IRWD in 2003, Sanchez has spearheaded countless programs to help IRWD customers be Always Water Smart. Her efforts have also led to the implementation of many innovative water efficiency and conservation programs for all Californians.

On the state level, Sanchez helped craft the water conservation and efficiency provisions of the historic Delta/Water legislative package signed into law in 2009. This effort provides a road map that is designed to help California meet its long-term water supply needs while encouraging improved water use efficiency throughout the state.

After years managing the IRWD budget based rate structure, which provides IRWD customers with some of the lowest rates and lowest per capita water use in Orange County, Sanchez often lends her expertise to other agencies and cities who are interested in similar programs. Additionally, she has led and participated in a myriad of local and statewide water conservation and use efficiency studies, pilot programs and educational efforts, all of which help IRWD provide innovative water use efficiency programs to our customers.

The California Urban Water Conservation Council was created to increase efficient water use statewide through partnerships among urban water agencies, public interest organizations, and private entities. The CUWCC Excellence Award honors individuals who have made exceptional and inspirational contributions to the promotion and implementation of water use efficiency in California.

To learn more about IRWD’s water conservation and use efficiency programs, please visit


Fiona Sanchez, third from right, is shown with IRWD Board Members Steve LaMar, Douglas Reinhart, Mary Aileen Matheis, General Manager Paul Jones and Board Member Peer Swan.