Published: Jun 28, 2013 | 21:09 PM
IRWD Director Peer Swan Re-Elected Vice-Chair ACWA Region 10
Swan Re-Elected as Vice-Chair of ACWA Region 10 Board
ACWA Region 10 provides a local forum for water agencies to meet and discuss water priorities as well as legislative and regulatory issues confronting the water industry. “Peer Swan provides excellent leadership for the members of ACWA Region 10 which includes local water agencies in both Orange and San Diego counties,” said IRWD President Steve LaMar, “We congratulate him on his re-election to this position.”
ACWA is the largest statewide coalition of public water agencies in the country. Its nearly 450 public agency members collectively are responsible for 90 percent of the water delivered to cities, farms and businesses in California. This month, ACWA Region 10 held an informational program for members to discuss water supply reliability issues and techniques which will help agencies diversity their water portfolio and become more self-reliant. For more information on this meeting and on the Association of California Water Agencies, please visit ACWA.com.
Peer Swan was elected to the IRWD Board of Directors in 1979 where he currently serves as Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee.
Contact: Shannon Reed, Public Affairs Manager
reeds@irwd.com, (949) 453-5500