Published: Jun 28, 2013 | 21:09 PM
IRWD Receives Outstanding Energy Management Award
The California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association presented Irvine Ranch Water District with the Outstanding Energy Management Award for 2012 at its fall conference in San Diego on October 9. The Green House Gas Master Plan was highlighted by the award.
“This award recognizes a utility with the commitment to make the efficient use of energy a main priority,” said Chet Malewski, section awards chair for AWWA. “The criteria for this award are stringent, so very few utilities are so honored.”
IRWD embarked on an ambitious project to decrease its energy use and carbon footprint by developing an energy and greenhouse gas master plan three years ago. The IRWD Board of Directors had recommended commission of such a plan at a strategic planning session. The plan was completed this past summer.
By developing an energy and green house gas master plan, IRWD took a proactive stance to reduce energy use and complying with AB 32, the state Global Warming and Solutions Act of 2006. The bill set a target to significantly reduce green house gas emissions statewide by 2020.
IRWD staff and the consultants toured various facilities in to prepare for developing the plan. Over the years, IRWD has taken steps to be energy efficient and reducing green house gas by encouraging conservation, developing local groundwater supplies, installing nearly 700 solar panels on the roof of the Sand Canyon office building, placing 832 solar panels on the top of a drinking water reservoir, replacing equipment with high efficiency motors and placing LED lights and motion sensors in offices.
For more information on our environmental plans, please visit our website.