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March 09, 2025 3:11PM
March 09, 2025 15:11PM

customer care


How to Prepare Your Emergency Water Supply When Zombies Attack

As zombies crawled the streets of Orange County early Tuesday morning, IRWD took this time to remind customers on how to take precautionary measures with their water supplies.

“The first 72 hours following an emergency are critical,” said a top IRWD official. “We are urging customers to always be prepared with their water should zombies invade the water supply.”

Here are the top ways to prepare your water supply in case of an emergency:

  • You should store about one gallon of water per person per day. Three gallons is a decent starting point.
  • Water should be stored in carefully cleaned, non-corrosive, tightly covered containers.
  • All stored water should be clearly labeled and replenished every six months.
  • Water may be polluted after an earthquake or zombie attack. Water that is boiled for five minutes will usually be safe from contamination.
  • If boiling is not an option, strain the water through paper towels, paper coffee filters, or several layers of clean cloth to remove any sediment. Treat the water with household liquid chlorine bleach. Add eight drops of bleach per one gallon of clear water, or 16 drops if the water is cloudy. Allow water and bleach to stand for 30 minutes. Purify only enough water at a time to last a maximum of 48 hours.
  • You should also learn how to shut off gas, water, and electricity meters.

For more information on how to prepare in case of an emergency and to sign up for emergency notifications, visit

Photo Credit: AMC Media