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March 10, 2025 1:30AM
March 10, 2025 1:30AM

customer care

IRWD’s Natural Treatment System Treats Urban Runoff

NTS helps clean polluted water before running into the ocean

Many Orange County residents are unaware that man-made wetlands exist across the Irvine Ranch Water District’s service area to treat urban runoff, a major source of water pollution created by water that flows into storm drains when there are no storms.

These lakes and ponds use natural ecosystems, such as plants, to remove harmful contaminants and bacteria and prevent these pollutants from reaching the upper Newport Bay and flowing into the ocean.

“Many of the pollutants and nutrients that are found in urban runoff create problems within the watershed,” said Ian Swift, IRWD’s Wetlands Biologist. “These natural treatment system facilities help to improve water quality within the watershed by removing these contaminants.  IRWD continues to be a leader in the region in the natural treatment of urban runoff.”

IRWD recently debuted a video titled “A look into the Natural Treatment System” which details the NTS. A follow-up video, “How does the Natural Treatment System Work?” was recently released. For more information on the Natural Treatment System, please visit