Published: Dec 07, 2017 | 17:43 PM
LaMar Elected ACWA Vice President
Irvine Ranch Water District Director Steven E. LaMar has been elected vice president of the Association of California Water Agencies.
“It’s an honor to be selected by colleagues throughout the state,” said LaMar, elected to a two-year term last week at the organization’s 2017 Fall Conference & Exhibition in Anaheim. “I’m looking forward to applying some of the same innovative approaches learned at IRWD to statewide water issues.”
Brent Hastey, chairman of the Yuba County Water Agency, was elected ACWA president. He and LaMar will take office in January.
ACWA – the statewide association of public water agencies – has guided water policy since 1910, helping members to economically and responsibly serve California’s cities, farms and businesses.
“Despite significant differences in water sources and demands for ACWA’s 440 member agencies, I am excited to have an opportunity to work in a united fashion to meet California’s future water needs,” said LaMar, who has been a member of the IRWD Board of Directors since 2009, serving multiple terms as board president. “Urban water agencies need to support agricultural water deliveries to ensure sustainable food supplies, and we all need to work together to address changing climate projections.”
Also at the conference, ACWA presented IRWD with the association’s Most Compelling Case Award, for outreach work promoting long-term water efficiency legislation. IRWD shared the honor with the Sacrament area’s Regional Water Authority, its partner in the effort. The award was accepted by Government Relations Manager Christine Compton, who spearheaded the effort for IRWD.

IRWD Government Relations Manager Christine Compton, center, shows off the Most Compelling Case Award at the ACWA conference. With her, from left, are IRWD Board President Douglas J. Reinhart, IRWD Executive Director of Finance and Administration Cheryl Clary, IRWD General Manager Paul Cook, Regional Water Authority Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Program Manager Adam W. Robin, IRWD Board Vice President Peer Swan, IRWD Director Mary Aileen Matheis, IRWD Executive Director for Water Policy Paul Weghorst, IRWD Public Affairs Manager John Fabris, and IRWD Director Steven E. LaMar.