
customer care

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January 09, 2025 12:21AM
January 09, 2025 0:21AM

customer care

Landscape Open House a Success

More than 300 people, including many IRWD residential customers, attended a landscape open house event at the South Coast Research and Extension Center in Irvine. IRWD and the University of California Cooperative Extension hosted the open house on October 2 in an ongoing effort to help our customers be always water smart.

Visitors were able to meet with gardening industry experts, attend landscaping presentations, tour the UC Extension demonstration landscapes, sample unusual fruit, participate in a planting activity for the kids, and have a garden tool sharpened for free. Twenty exhibitors had interactive displays where customers could learn about California Friendly plants and lawn alternatives, mulch and composting materials and high efficiency irrigation products. The UC Extension landscapes demonstrated to the visitors that they could have colorful and beautiful gardens using native and drought-tolerant plants, while saving money on the their water bills and improving the quality of the watershed with reduced runoff from irrigation.

For helpful landscaping, conservation, and use-efficiency tools and tips please visit