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March 09, 2025 8:42PM
March 09, 2025 20:42PM

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Mark Your Calendars: Fourth Annual Landscape Fair on Tap

Landscape Open HouseIrvine Ranch Water District and the University of California Cooperative Extension are collaborating for the fourth consecutive year on a residential demonstration landscape open house and vendor fair on Saturday, September 29, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held at the South Coast Research and Extension Center at 7601 Irvine Boulevard in Irvine.

“This open house will have something for everyone and help customers cut back on landscape watering and lower their bills at the same time,” said Fiona Sanchez, Assistant Director of Water Policy for IRWD “More than half of a household’s water use is outdoors.”

There is no charge for admission to the event, which will have something for everyone:

  • Explore the landscapes to see how you can incorporate low water use plants in your garden.
  • Various gardening industry vendors and water agency representatives will be on hand to demonstrate methods to help reduce landscape water use.
  • Demonstrations throughout the day will focus on such topics as composting, irrigation and container planting.
  • Taste exotic fruit grown at the UC South Coast Research and Extension Center.
  • Children may participate in gardening and water education activities with University Extension staff and Master Gardeners.
  • Random opportunity drawings will be held throughout the day for gardening gifts.
  • Presentations will be made by University of California researchers and landscape experts.

For more information about the event, please visit UCCE Demonstration Landscape Open House - Orange County Water Quality and Water Resources. To see a highlight of a past open house, please visit IRWD Water Smart Landscape Open House - YouTube.