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March 11, 2025 10:39PM
March 11, 2025 22:39PM

customer care

726x425 Waterstar Restaurant Logo

Program Puts Efficiency on the Menu

Hey, foodies! Is your favorite restaurant water-efficient? You’ll know when you see the WaterStar Restaurant logo in the window.

Irvine Ranch Water District has launched WaterStar Restaurant, a certification for restaurants that improve their water efficiency. We’re inviting restaurants to get involved. The application process includes consultation with an IRWD water efficiency expert and a site visit to assess how efficiently the restaurant is using water—in the kitchen, and for other needs such as restrooms, cooling, heating and landscaping. Restaurants that qualify as WaterStars receive a variety of benefits, including access to special rebates on water-efficient fixtures. And like all IRWD customers who save water, they also save on their water bill.

WaterStar Restaurant is an extension of IRWD’s WaterStar Business program, which already has certified 15 businesses. Collectively, they are saving more than 250 million gallons of water per year for our community. For more information, visit