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July 17, 2024 9:22PM
July 17, 2024 21:22PM

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Smart Watering Happens with Smart Timers

How many times have you seen sprinklers operating during the rain? Weather-based irrigation timers, also called smart timers, take the guesswork out of watering a landscape.

“These timers allow for more accurate, customized watering times by automatically adjusting the schedule based on site conditions in response to changing weather conditions,” said IRWD Water Efficiency Analyst Nathan Adams.

Not only does this save water, lower your bills and reduce over-watering, it allows you to optimize watering times to meet your landscape’s specific water needs. The controllers will automatically adjust the frequency and duration of watering times – saving you the time, hassle and guesswork of adjusting your controller.

“Setting up the timer properly is important,” Adams said. “And if your lawn has brown spots, you may want to inspect the in-ground system for leaks and inefficiencies.”

IRWD is currently offering smart timer rebate of up to $425 per controller for homeowners. Please visit our website and click on rebates for details and a list of controller models.