Published: Jun 28, 2013 | 21:09 PM
‘Tis the Season, IRWD Customers Can Donate to Local Causes
IRWD is proud to support local charities during the holiday season. This year, the District is making it easy and convenient for our customers to join us in the holiday giving spirit.
Second Harvest Food Bank collection barrels are located in the IRWD Sand Canyon Office lobby. Customers are encouraged to drop donations off between now and the end of the year. Donation boxes for the Orangewood Children’s Foundation will also be available from November 30 thru December 15.
Public donations are accepted during IRWD’s business hours 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday or 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday. Items most needed for Second Harvest include non-perishable canned goods and dry food such as canned meats, fish, soup, fruits and vegetables; pasta, hot and cold cereal, macaroni and cheese, rice, beans and peanut butter. Personal care items such as diapers, toothpaste and toothbrushes, toilet tissue and soap are also welcome.
Orangewood Children’s Foundation is seeking items for infants and children up to age 18. Examples include new, unwrapped toys, personal items, gift cards, sheets and bedding, clothing for all ages and backpacks. Please, no stuffed animals.
IRWD also supports the United Way of Orange County year round. Members of the public interested in donating to United Way may stop by the Sand Canyon office and pick up a form.
This is the third year IRWD has taken collections for Second Harvest and Orangewood, but the 23rd year for United Way. Over the years, IRWD employees have donated $552,416 to United Way, which assists Orange County individuals and families in crisis.
“Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year to count our blessings and to reflect on the many things that we have to be thankful for in our lives,” said Janet Wells, IRWD’s Director of Human Resources. “These days, it doesn't take much to see others around us who do not have family and friends to support them through these difficult economic times. Many are wanting for the very basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and a friendly smile. For this reason, IRWD sponsors the annual food drive to assist our community in providing these basic needs. It is a great feeling to give back to our community and this year we would like to invite our customers to be a part of our mission.”