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March 10, 2025 12:11PM
March 10, 2025 12:11PM

customer care

Sunset Drought Friendly Landscape2

Turnkey Turf Removal Program Makes it Easy

Thinking of removing your water-thirsty grass and replacing it with water-friendly plants? Look no further than the IRWD Turnkey Turf Removal Program, which simplifies the process.

Residential customers can relax and leave it to IRWD’s drought-tolerant landscape expert, WaterWise Consulting, Inc. (WWC), which manages the project from start to finish.

The first step toward a water-wise yard is a meeting with WWC’s landscape design consultant to discuss vision and goals for the project. Once the design is finalized, a project team will remove existing grass, install new drought-friendly plants and convert the irrigation system to drip irrigation.

Eligible residential customers can receive a rebate up to $2,000 per site for turf removed. Sites must have a minimum of 500 square feet of grass removed to qualify for the Turnkey Turf program. If your site has less than this, check out the Do-It-Yourself program at

Program participants are responsible for obtaining any required design approvals from their homeowners association. Program details on available on our website.