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March 10, 2025 4:27AM
March 10, 2025 4:27AM

customer care

Water Dependability - Shaping Our Past and Ensuring Our Future

A Diversified Water Supply Enhances Reliability to Meet Customers’ Needs

 Water.  It’s why Irvine Ranch Water District was created 50 years ago. The District provides high-quality drinking water, reliable wastewater collection and treatment, ground-breaking recycled water programs, and environmentally sound urban runoff treatment to more than 330,000 residents. 

“Water is a vital resource, requiring careful management to ensure the needs of present and future generations are met,” said IRWD Board President Steve LaMar.  “Through thoughtful planning and prudent fiscal policies, we cost-effectively manage our water portfolio, while continuing to diversify supplies to enhance future reliability.”

Anyone can deliver water...but IRWD prides itself on delivering much more.  During the past 50 years, we’ve not only delivered water, but value in all we do for our customers and the region. IRWD is known for its progressive programs – from providing quality water, to diversifying our water portfolio and even planning now to ensure future water supplies – we believe in going above and beyond to work efficiently, cost effectively and in an environmentally sensitive way.

High Quality Water

Customers can trust IRWD to provide clean, safe water that meets or exceed all quality standards set by both the state and federal government. Our commitment to innovation makes our water quality laboratory one of the best equipped in Southern California. Our water quality staff continuously monitors the water supply, conducting over a quarter of a million laboratory tests each year from water taken from over 99 sample points throughout the district.

Reliable and Diversified Supply

IRWD has a diverse water supply portfolio to keep rates as low as possible. Everyone’s heard the adage “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” In the water business that means not relying on just one source of water. IRWD works hard to ensure our customers have diverse sources of water for increased reliability now and in the future.

Some parts of Orange County are 100 percent dependent on water from outside this area. Not so at IRWD. Since the late 1970s we’ve been building a network of local wells to ensure reliability and reasonable costs. After all, local water cost less than water that must travel hundreds of miles through aqueducts to reach Southern California.

IRWD's drinking water comes from two primary sources: local groundwater and imported water. The blending of these sources varies according to the time of year and your geographic location within the District. 

Recycled Water:  An Innovative Approach

As a pioneer in the field of recycled water, IRWD believes that water is too valuable to be used just once. Water recycling is an essential component of our water supply portfolio, as any demand met with recycled water reduces the demand for high-quality drinking water. Currently, IRWD meets roughly 25 percent of our service area’s water demands with recycled water. The use of recycled water extends our drinking water supplies, reduces the need for additional potable water facilities, reduces the amount of treated wastewater discharged into the ocean, reduces our reliance on costly imported water supplies, and increases our water supply reliability. In fact, the use of recycled water is a key component of IRWD's conservation and water use efficiency programs as every gallon of recycled water used results in a gallon of drinking water that can be saved for potable uses.

Planning Ahead

Saving for a rainy day is important. How about saving for not-so-rainy day? IRWD has entered into innovative water banking agreements that allow water to be set aside in plentiful years for later use during droughts. This is just one of many ways that we can ensure a reliable water supply.

IRWD delivers value in making sure that when you turn on the tap you get the water you need. We are dedicated to provide, serve and protect water resources for our customers and to enhance the environment.

 The Colorado River is one of our water sources.