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March 09, 2025 8:54PM
March 09, 2025 20:54PM

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Water Recycling Plant Expansion Reaches First Major Milestone

The largest construction project in IRWD’s history, expansion of the Michelson Water Recycling Plant (MWRP) reached a major milestone with completion of the new disinfection facility, which went online in late July. This facility will use sodium hypochlorite, or liquid bleach, as the disinfection agent and last step in the process of producing high-quality, tertiary treated recycled water.

Construction on the MWRP plant expansion began last September. The capacity of the plant will increase from 18 to 28 million gallons per day, producing more recycled water to meet the demands of our growing community.

Expansion includes a new headworks facility, primary clarifier, electrical building, ultra-violet disinfection facility, membrane bioreactor facility and modification to the influent trunk sewer line. Construction is anticipated to be completed in summer 2012.

Expansion of the plant was necessary as the IRWD service area continues to grow. Recycled water accounts for approximately 25 percent of IRWD’s water use and is primarily used is for landscape irrigation of greenbelts, parks, schools, homeowner association common areas, golf courses and agricultural crops. Additional uses are for industrial and commercial needs and toilet flushing in commercial buildings. It is projected that by 2025, the District will need a recycled water production capacity of 33 million gallons per day to meet demands.

IRWD is an established leader in water recycling.  Water recycling efforts began in 1966 and by 1967, IRWD was delivering approximately two million gallons of recycled water a day to agricultural users.

Use of recycled water in the community reduces IRWD’s dependence on imported water and by doing so, helps to keep IRWD’s rates among the lowest in Orange County. For more information on recycled water or the expansion project please visit

 The sodium hypochlorite facility under construction.