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March 10, 2025 12:45AM
March 10, 2025 0:45AM

customer care


What the NEW March 2015 Water Restrictions Mean for IRWD Customers

On March 17, 2015, the California State Water Resources Control Board issued further regulations that will impact the way you use water. Irvine Ranch Water District customers are now prohibited from:

•    Irrigating turf or ornamental landscapes during and 48 hours following measurable rain events
•    Restaurants and other food establishments can only serve water to customers on request
•    Operators of hotels and motels must provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily and prominently display notice of this option

These new restrictions are in addition to previous restrictions adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board in July of 2014 that include the following prohibitions:

•    Washing down sidewalks and driveways
•    Watering outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes excess runoff
•    Washing a motor vehicle with a hose, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle
•    Operating a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is part of a recirculating system

Irvine Ranch Water District customers are not limited in the number of days per week they can irrigate outdoors because the California State Water Resources Control Board has previously approved IRWD’s alternate water conservation plan for compliance with the State Board’s Emergency Water Conservation Regulations.  IRWD provides watering guidelines for our customers that are available on the website as well as the monthly IRWD customer newsletter.

On August 15, IRWD submitted an alternative plan for implementation of the Emergency Regulations to the State Board to demonstrate that the District’s allocation-based conservation rate structure and conservation programs provide a level of conservation superior to that achieved by implementing the limitations contained in the Emergency Regulations. Since July of 2014, IRWD residential customers have reduced their water use by 28% from 96 gallons per person per day in July 2014 to 69 gallons per person per day in January 2015. To see a copy of the IRWD official comment letter on the proposed drought related emergency regulations click here.

In addition to the allocation based conservation rate structure, IRWD offers customers many options on ways to save water and money. IRWD has kicked off an extensive outreach campaign aimed at reducing water use outdoors, which can be up to 60 percent of a residential home water use.  RightScape  offers an easy three step program to help customers reduce their outdoor water use.