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March 09, 2025 7:23AM
March 09, 2025 7:23AM

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You’ll Flip for Flapjacks – Come on Down to the Marsh

SharonLookingAtPancakesIf it’s October, it’s time for the Sea and Sage Audubon Society’s 21st annual pancake breakfast at the Irvine Ranch Water District San Joaquin Marsh.

Come enjoy a beautiful morning at the Marsh on Saturday, October 26 from 7:30-10:30 a.m. Sunlight filtering through the sycamores is a great compliment to the fragrance of pancakes and sausage fresh off the grill. Add in the sights and sounds of the Marsh awakening and you have the perfect way to start the day.

Reservations are required by calling the Audubon House at (949) 261-7963 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. The cost of the breakfast is $10 for adults and $6 for children age six or under. Children under age three are free. Included are pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit, orange juice, milk and coffee.

There is something for everyone at the pancake breakfast. This year, bird walks are scheduled during the morning, before and after breakfast. Be sure to bring your binoculars. Several scope stations will be set up where visitors can get close up views of the birds out on the ponds.

Drop by the book table, which will have a great selection of used nature books. The book sale begins at 7 a.m.

Stop by the Education table for a great exhibit showcasing some of the art projects the kids made at camp this summer. Learn about opportunities for adult volunteers to help share a love of nature with school children. Find out about the new education program which combines art with science, plus a host of other exciting education activities to investigate.

In the Duck Club, there will be ample information about the Sea and Sage chapter and many ways to become involved. Raffle cards may be stamped for entry into the drawing for special prizes.

Near the welcome table next to the Audubon House, Wild Birds Unlimited will have a table with bird seed, feeders, and other bird feeding items. They welcome questions about how or what to feed your birds, where to place your bird bath, what plants attract birds, and what to do if the birds are not coming to your feeders.

Optics4Birding will display some of their optics equipment for birders on the back porch of the Duck Club. This is a good opportunity for you to check out the latest in binoculars or scopes and ask questions.

Don't forget to stop by Audubon House to see the taxidermy birds on display, browse through the gift shop and book store, and check out the newly reorganized reference library. Volunteers inside Audubon House will be available to answer questions about Sea and Sage, birds, conservation issues, and education.

Check out the Sea and Sage website for more information.