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March 13, 2025 12:34PM
March 13, 2025 12:34PM

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Commercial Landscape Irrigation Improvement Program Rebates

Thank you for your interest in the Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) Commercial Landscape Irrigation Improvement Program for commercial large landscape irrigation customers.

The Commercial Landscape Irrigation Improvement Program (CLIIP) will provide incentives for Hydrometers with flow sensing, master valves, flow sensors, pressure regulators, FlowLink and other wire sharing link devices. At a minimum, CLIIP participants must install a master valve and flow sensor or a Hydrometer.

Landscape irrigation devices such as hydrometers and pressure regulators can assist in monitoring water use, automatically shutting down irrigation systems when failures occur, and improving performance by regulating pressure. The FlowLink device eliminates the need to run wiring from the hydrometer/flow sensor to the controller, giving landscapers the ability to use existing field wiring and minimize trenching to pair the flow sensor and the controller.

CLIIP participants must have an existing irrigation controller that has flow monitoring capabilities, but no flow sensors installed. Sites that do not have a controller with flow sensing capabilities must install one in order to be eligible to participate in the CLIIP. Refer to the IRWD Weather Based Irrigation Controller commercial rebate program.

Proposed rebatable devices must be listed on the CLIIP Eligible Products List as provided on the IRWD website. Devices not found on the list must be approved by IRWD before purchase.

Rebate amount

IRWD will provide an incentive of 50 percent of the total device costs, up to a cap of $2,000 per site and/or meter. The actual device(s) costs exclude tax, shipping, labor and other charges.

Other restrictions apply, so please read the Terms and Conditions.

List of CLIIP Eligible Products PDF

How to participate

This program is only available to commercial landscape account customers.

waterstar toilet rebate application flow chart

1. Submit an application to reserve funding for the CLIIP and attach a W-9.

2. IRWD will contact you and schedule a pre-inspection appointment within 2 weeks after application is received.

3. Receive your Notice to Proceed (NTP) by an IRWD staff member within 2 weeks after the pre-inspection, if application is approved.

4. Purchase and install your CLIIP irrigation components from the list of eligible products list within 60 days of NTP.

5. Submit the receipts for purchase to IRWD via web portal using the same unique application number received during CLIIP rebate reservation.

6. IRWD will schedule a post-inspection and verify installation of CLIIP irrigation components by visual inspection within 2 weeks. 

7. Receive rebate within 60 days after post inspection approval.

* The Internal Revenue Service requires Rebate Program participants receiving $600 or more in rebates to receive an IRS Form 1099 unless exemptions apply. If your rebate amount will exceed this threshold, the payee’s Social Security or Tax ID number must be provided via a completed Form W-9 along with the rebate application paperwork in order to receive a rebate. The name on the W-9 must match the name on the rebate check. This form must be completed so Irvine Ranch Water District can properly complete the Form 1099. This requirement is in compliance with exemptions to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, 42 UCS 405 (c )(2)(c ). Social Security numbers provided as part of the application process are held in confidence under terms of the Privacy Act and are not divulged or otherwise conveyed to individuals or organizations outside CLIIP.

Program participants must receive Notice to Proceed email with an application number before purchasing any of the irrigation components listed on the IRWD - CLIIP Eligible Products List.

CLIIP Rebate Reservation Application

Applicant Information

Note: All fields below are required.

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Name on IRWD billing statement

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First and last name

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Must match W-9

Site Information: Irrigation Controller

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Landscape Management Company (LMC)

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First and last name

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If you have further program questions, concerns, or application status, please contact us at or Water Efficiency Department Hotline 949-453-5581.

Ready for your post-installation inspection? Schedule your on-site verification.