
customer care

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March 26, 2025 5:07AM
March 26, 2025 5:07AM

customer care

Large Landscape Resources



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Save water & money with rebates: IRWD offers rebates on equipment and devices. Rebates include: Weather Based Irrigation ControllersRotating Spray NozzlesIn-stem Flow RegulatorsSoil Moisture Sensor Systems

Turf removal rebate: IRWD customers are saying goodbye to the hassle, maintenance, and expense of their lawns. Get details on turf removal rebates

See More Commercial Rebates


Online tools

website icon 2Water-use report: Reflects IRWD's current water rates and allocations. IRWD invites you to use a monthly Landscape Performance Report to obtain information about the performance of the sites you manage. 

Sign up at WaterInsight

Meter and allocation log sheet: Allows you to compare your water usage with IRWD’s allocation. Monitoring your usage and making changes in response to changes in your allocation can be a valuable tool to help you use water efficiently. These log sheets must accompany leak adjustment requests: 

Billing adjustment form: The Landscape Irrigation Adjustment Form is used to request a billing adjustment. You will need information you can find on your bill in order to complete these forms. View instructions for submitting a Landscape Irrigation Adjustment Form.


ET Weather Center

map_marker_plain_icon.pngWeather station data is electronically transmitted daily to IRWD and used to calculate evapo-transpiration, also known as ET, which is the amount of water needed by turfgrass to remain healthy in each specific climate zone. IRWD's billing system relies on accurate weather station data to provide landscape and commercial customers like you with site-specific allocations to ensure that your landscaping receives sufficient water.

Visit the ET Weather Center


More for HOAs

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Water-savings guideView the Water Efficiency Guidebook for Multi-Family Properties

If your HOA maintains large common landscaped areas, the many links and tips on the page could be helpful in saving you water and money. For further information and site-specific help with the efficient irrigation of your HOA landscape, please call the IRWD Water Efficiency team at 949-453-5581 or email

Important note: Water budgets for potable water accounts are based on 60% warm season turf and 40% drought tolerant landscape irrigated with a water-efficient system, such as drip. If you maintain your current watering schedule for grass, you will most likely go over your allocation and result in a high water bill. View the latest Prop 218 notices