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March 28, 2025 2:15PM
March 28, 2025 14:15PM

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WaterStar Rebates

This program is only available to WaterStar Business Recognition Program participants

To assist customers with meeting the WaterStar Business Recognition Program criteria, IRWD is offering a rebate of up to $300 for each eligible EPA WaterSense labeled toilet model to WaterStar participants.

A commercial High-Efficiency Toilet comes in two categories, either as a tank toilet or a flushometer toilet and uses 1.28 gallons per flush. Eligible toilets must replace existing toilets using at least 1.6 gallons per flush.

  • High-Efficiency Tank Toilets must have a matching bowl and tank and must be listed on the qualifying products list as provided on the IRWD website.
  • High Efficiency Flushometer Toilet rebates must have both a qualifying bowl and a qualifying flush valve and both must be listed on the qualifying products list.

Any pairing between a qualified valve and bowl from this list will be accepted, as long as all other program terms and conditions are met. Modification of existing valves or use of valve kits does not qualify for a rebate.

For more information on how to purchase qualified products, contact your local plumbing retailer.




How to participate

All applicants must be participating in the WaterStar Business Recognition Program and have had a site evaluation performed by IRWD staff.

waterstar toilet rebate application flow chart

1. Become eligible to participate in the WaterStar Business Toilet Rebate program by participating in the WaterStar Business Recognition Program and complete a site evaluation with an IRWD staff member

2. Submit an application to reserve funding for your toilet replacement project and attach a W-9.*

3. Receive your Letter to Proceed (LTP) by an IRWD staff member within 2 weeks of submitting your application

4. Purchase and install your new high-efficiency toilets from the list of eligible 1.28 toilet models within 60 days of LTP

5. Submit the receipts for purchase to IRWD via web portal using the same unique application number received during reservation

6. IRWD verifies installation of toilets by visual inspection within 2 weeks of verification of purchase application

7. Receive rebate after one month of scheduled inspection.

* The Internal Revenue Service requires Rebate Program participants receiving $600 or more in rebates to receive an IRS Form 1099 unless exemptions apply. If your rebate amount will exceed this threshold, the payee’s Social Security or Tax ID number must be provided via a completed Form W-9 along with the rebate application paperwork in order to receive a rebate. The name on the W-9 must match the name on the rebate check. This form must be completed so Irvine Ranch Water District can properly complete the Form 1099. This requirement is in compliance with exemptions to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, 42 UCS 405 (c )(2)(c ). Social Security numbers provided as part of the application process are held in confidence under terms of the Privacy Act and are not divulged or otherwise conveyed to individuals or organizations outside the Rebate Program.Participants must apply for a rebate before making the purchase.

View WaterStar Rebates Terms and Conditions

WaterStar Rebates Reservation Application

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