
customer care

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March 26, 2025 4:59AM
March 26, 2025 4:59AM

customer care

Sewer Rates

In addition to water service, IRWD provides sewage collection and treatment services to most of our service area. We capture wastewater and reuse it through our innovative water recycling program. Here is an "at a glance" view of sewer rates. Complete rate information is available in the IRWD Rates and Charges document.

Rate calculators

Click here to use a rate calculator to estimate your bill and see how the rate structure works.


Residential sewer rates - Single family residence and multi family dwelling units

Monthly Sewer Service Charge: 

  • 1) No credit will be granted for vacancies resulting from the normal turnover of occupants in an existing multiple dwelling unit. The price structure contained herein includes considerations of average vacancy rates.

  • 2) A newly constructed multiple dwelling unit may be billed at the non-residential metered rate, with appropriate allowance for landscape irrigation, until the structure is released for occupancy. 

  • 3) The monthly sewage service charge is based upon the average of the actual lowest three months’ water usage during the prior calendar year. Charges are based on a 30-day billing period.

  • 4) Customers with less than a full calendar year of history are charged the 90% rate.



Rates beginning July 1, 2024

Average water usage exceeds 10 CCFs per month


Average water usage falls between 5 and 10 CCFs


Average water usage falls below 5 CCFs




Non-residential sewer rates - (customers who discharge domestic strength wastewater)

Commercial, industrial & institutional Class II
consumption equal to or below 10 CCF per month:

Service charge: $36.79 up to 10 CCF
Usage over 10 CCF will be charged an additional  $3.07/CCF quantity charge

Non-residential sewage charges

This section applies to non-residential customers who discharge extra-strength sewage into the sewer collection system or discharge or have the potential to discharge constituents subject to federal or state standards and local discharge limitations.

At the sole discretion of the District, users may request the application of an alternative service charge for use.  The alternative service charge shall be based on the measured quantity and quality of water being discharged to the sewer from the user's facility by means acceptable to the District.  The alternative service charge for use shall be computed by the following formula:

Charge for use = VRv + BRb + SRs
Where V = Total volume of flow in hundred cubic feet.

B = Total discharge of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in pounds.

S = Total discharge of suspended solids (SS) in pounds

Rv = $ 2.077 per hundred cubic feet

Rb = $ 0.495 per pound of BOD

Rs = $ 0.431 per pound of SS