
customer care

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February 27, 2025 8:20AM
February 27, 2025 8:20AM

customer care

Sewer Savvy Heyer Plumbing

 Sewer Savvy Mike Heyer PlumbingMike Heyer, of Heyer Plumbing, was awarded a Sewer Savvy certificate for demonstrating exceptional sewer mainteance practices within Irvine Ranch Water District's service area.

This included educating customers about proper sewer care, and notifying IRWD's collections team when hitting roots or other significant obstructions while snaking a pipe or sewer lateral.

Debris pushed into the sewer main can sometimes create obstructions to the line that block the flow of water to the treatment plant. That's why it's important to alert the District to any potential notify the District of any potential problems so our crews can head them off early and keep the lines flowing freely.

Heyer Plumbing is a family-owned and operated plumbing company, specializing in service and repair for homeowners associations and property management organizations throughout Orange County. The company was started in 1998 with the idea of offering better services and focusing on the quality of work, how it was completed, and better customer service. It performs complete plumbing repair and drain services in Irvine, Lake Forest, and south Orange County. For information, call 949-322-2945.