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July 17, 2024 4:16PM
July 17, 2024 16:16PM

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All You Ever Wanted to Know About IRWD Water Reliability is on Video


The new IRWD Water Reliability video shows our strong commitment to maintaining a diversified water supply and making sure water flows from your tap at all times. View the full video at

Through thoughtful planning and prudent fiscal policies, we cost-effectively manage our water resources, while continuing to diversify supplies to enhance future reliability.

IRWD boasts a highly diverse water supply, using local groundwater, recycled water and water banking to reduce our dependence on costly imported water.

In 1990, imported water made up approximately 64 percent of IRWD’s water supply; today, it accounts for only 28 percent.

Reducing the District’s reliance on imported water:

  • Protects IRWD customers from statewide supply fluctuations
  • Keeps costs low
  • Reduces our carbon footprint by decreasing the amount of imported water moved across the state to meet IRWD demands
  • Helps reduce demand on the environmentally sensitive Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Ecological protection and restoration of the Delta is vital to ensuring the health and reliability of California’s future water supply and economy.

Watch the full video at