
customer care

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March 10, 2025 2:59PM
March 10, 2025 14:59PM

customer care

SandCanyon1 5x4

Sand Canyon Reservoir Maintenance in Summer and Fall

Each year, the Irvine Ranch Water District uses Sand Canyon Reservoir (near Strawberry Farms Golf Course) as a source to meet customer demands in the recycled water system. This year, as reservoir supply is used to meet demands, IRWD is taking advantage of the low reservoir level to complete periodic maintenance.

Maintenance will require the reservoir to be completely drained for a short time. It is anticipated that the reservoir will be empty by September, allowing the maintenance to occur during October, before the rainy season. Rainfall or recycled water will be used to fill the reservoir once the maintenance is complete. 

During this process, IRWD will monitor the site to ensure minimal impact on wildlife. At this time, there has been no impact to any turtles or eggs. Some fish have not survived the draining, however; these are all non-native mosquito fish and redfin.

Any questions, please email