
customer care

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March 09, 2025 3:38PM
March 09, 2025 15:38PM

customer care


Curious About the Drought? We Have Answers!

You can’t turn on the television news, or pick up a newspaper and not see headlines about the California drought. How does this affect me and what can I do about it, you might ask.

Well, we can help you find the answers. Irvine Ranch Water District has a panel of experts who can talk about the drought, but a host of other issues as well.

There is no charge for speaker appearances. Booking a speaker for your organization is as easy as contacting IRWD at (949) 453-5500 and discussing the date, time, location and topic. We are happy to present to your community group, service club, homeowner’s association, school group, non-profit group, or professional association.

The IRWD Speaker’s Bureau can book a speaker for your organization to discuss a range of topics, including:

  • Money-saving water conservation ideas
  • Water efficiency gardens and plant selection
  • Water quality issues
  • Environmental stewardship
  • Recycled water use
  • State water issues and the Bay/Delta
  • Bottled Water Versus Tap Water and more

Please visit our website for more information about the IRWD Speaker’s Bureau.