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March 09, 2025 10:14PM
March 09, 2025 22:14PM

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Irwd Board Of Directors Supports Water Bond For November 2014 Ballot

IRWD Board of Directors Supports Water Bond for November 2014 Ballot

The Irvine Ranch Water District Board of Directors has adopted a formal position in support of the $7.545 billion water bond measure set for the statewide November ballot in California.

Titled the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014, the bond will appear as Proposition 1 on the ballot. The IRWD Board voted to support the measure, saying it contains much-needed funding for new surface and groundwater storage projects, regional water reliability, sustainable groundwater management and cleanup, water recycling, water conservation, watershed protection and safe drinking water, particularly for disadvantaged communities.

The bond measure was approved in a bipartisan vote by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on Aug. 13. It is considered a critical element of the state’s comprehensive water plan. Approval of Proposition 1 will make funding available, on a competitive basis, for a variety of water supply and reliability infrastructure projects. IRWD would be able to seek funding for local projects including:

- Water Recycling
- Conservation
- Groundwater Protection
- Water Quality Improvement Projects

Funds from Proposition 1 will be awarded on a competitive basis. IRWD projects that compete and receive funding from Proposition 1 are expected to increase IRWD’s water supply reliability and reduce the District’s reliance on imported water from the State Water Project and the Colorado River.

Proposition 1’s water storage funding will add greater flexibility to the state’s water management system and will help ensure a more reliable water supply to serve the state’s diverse needs, both human and environmental. Greater flexibility and reliability in the state’s water systems benefits IRWD because the District remains partially dependent on imported water.

For more information on Proposition 1, please click here.