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March 09, 2025 7:57PM
March 09, 2025 19:57PM

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Facts About the 2014 Water Bond



The Irvine Ranch Water District Board of Directors encourages our customers and the community to learn about Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Act of 2014, a $7.5 billion general obligation bond measure on the November 4 ballot.*  If approved by voters, Proposition 1 would fund investments in water projects and programs as part of a statewide comprehensive water plan for California.

The IRWD Board of Directors has adopted a position of support for Proposition 1.

The Association of California Water Agencies has provided the resources below to help voters learn about the measure.  ACWA is the largest statewide coalition of public water agencies in the country. It's 430 public agency menbers collectively are responsible for 90% of the water delivered to residents, agriculture and businesses in California.  IRWD is a member of ACWA.

For more information, please see the Voter Information Guide produced by the California Secretary of State.

* the material provided here is for informational purposes only and is not meant to advocate a yes or not vote.