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March 09, 2025 3:08PM
March 09, 2025 15:08PM

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New Year’s Resolution: An Always Water Smart Home

Be Water Efficient, Rain or Shine

The Irvine Ranch Water District Always Water Smart incentives and services will help you to make your home water efficient. An Always Water Smart home:

  • Saves water and energy
  • Saves money on utility and landscape bills
  • Reduces landscape maintenance
  • Reduces water and energy waste in addition to air pollution, greenhouse gasses and green waste

No matter how much it rains in winter, it’s always smart to be water efficient. Leaks and using water excessively, both indoors and outdoors, waste water and money. Take the time this winter to evaluate your household’s water use and investigate if your home has inefficiencies in some of the following most common areas.

Start outdoors. The majority of water use for an average household is used outdoors to water plants. Nearly half of the water used outdoors is wasted through overwatering. With smart, simple choices about plants, sprinklers, and maintenance, you can reduce your water bill and have a climate-appropriate landscape – an Always Water Smart CALscape.

Create your CALscape now. If you remove your water-thirsty lawn, IRWD will pay you $1.50 per square foot of turf removed and help you create your very own Always Water Smart CALscape. Visit the CALscape Resources page at for more information about outdoor rebates and resources, including a detailed guide to low-water-use plants and landscaping options.

Check indoors. To make the most impact in reducing your indoor water use, shorten your shower length and upgrade older and inefficient appliances and fixtures. Products marked with an EPA WaterSense label are tested to ensure performance and are typically 20 percent more water efficient than average products.

Ask for help. IRWD maintains a team of Always Water Smart experts who will come to your home to help you identify leaks and inefficiencies. These experts will also provide you with resources, tips on available rebates and incentive programs. So what are you waiting for? Your beautiful new CALscape is out there waiting for you.

Always Water Smart