Water from A to Z
The Water Education Foundation will hold a day-and-a-half course on California Water basics on February 14-15 at Irvine Ranch Water District.
"The course is open to anyone, but will be especially beneficial to water resource industry staff, engineering and environmental firm personnel, legislators, legislative staff, advocates, stakeholders, environmentalists, public interest organizations and water district directors," said IRWD Public Affairs Manager Shannon Reed.
Top speakers include:
? Richard Atwater, executive director of the Southern California Water Committee, discussing the role of alternative water supplies – everything from conjunctive use to stormwater resources to desalination
? Lester Snow with California Water Foundation, discussing the natural environment and water delivery systems
? Attorney Eric Garner with Best Best & Krieger, providing an overview of California’s water rights system
? Dennis O’Connor with the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water, discussing working with and understanding the state Legislature
? And many more!
Educational sessions the first day will include discussions on:
? California’s natural water environment
? Water demand and use
? Current issues in California water management
? The legal and institutional management framework
? The role of alternative water supplies
On the second day participants will be provided with:
?A governance primer for water district directors that will include the roles and responsibilities of a director, legal requirements of board members and points on understanding the news media.
The course will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. February 14 and 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. February 15.
Cost: $250. Registration fee includes all educational materials, coffee breaks, lunch on February 14 and a graduation certificate upon completion of the day-and-a-half course. Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact the Water Education Foundation for more information: 916-444-6240, or visit their website.