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March 10, 2025 5:59PM
March 10, 2025 17:59PM

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Natural Treatment Site: El Modena

El Modeno NTS siteEl Modena NTS basin is located in El Modena Park, which is operated by the City of Orange.  Flow into the NTS basin is diverted off of the El Modena channel and then pumped back up into the channel after it has been treated in the system. A Solar Bee aerator and pump are present to help alleviate sulfide buildup in the basin. This NTS site is occasionally taken offline when storms occur or when OC Public Works Maintenance occurs downstream of the site. 

The site sees moderate removal rates for nutrients including nitrogen and phosphate; suspended solids, and total coliform removals were excellent. Selenium removal rates were within the standard range. Went online June 2006.

 Location & Size

ocation: 382 South Hewes, Orange CA
Size: 2.6 acres
Tributary Watershed: 449 acres

 Biological Values

El Modena is surrounded by development, despite being located in a City Park. 
Nevertheless, wildlife values are overall low.The following nesting bird species were observed on the site: Marsh Wren, Mallard, Gadwall, Forester’s Tern, Western Bluebird, House Finch, Black Phoebe, Tree Swallow, Common Yellowthroat, Song Sparrow, American Crow, Greater Roadrunner, Yellow Warbler, Mourning Dove, Yellow-breasted Chat, American Coot, Bullock’s Oriole, Ash-throated Flycatcher, American Robin, Cooper’s Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk


Routine Maintenance Activities:

    • TruGreen LandCare provides routine irrigation and landscape maintenance services at the site.
    • Additional work such as mulch replacement, irrigation repairs, aquatic herbicide application, aquatic vegetation removal, and sediment removal were performed throughout the year.
    • System operations staff performed weekly site inspection, water quality monitoring, and landscape and irrigation maintenance review.